Reverse Culture Shock

Meanwhile….Back in “murica.

Anyone who has been abroad will understand the following reverse culture shock:

1. Why isn’t there a night bus to take me home??

2. Since when is walking around eating food not acceptable? …They do it in Europe all the time!

3. Remembering the names of certain people I met prior to abroad is a modern day “Memory Game”, and I suck at it..

4. The closest thing to kiosk alcohol is 4 lokos. (This can’t be right…)

5. All of the new lingo people have created since being gone, is almost as hard as learning German. Almost.

6. WHY DON’T PEOPLE NAP HERE? FYI: Siestas are a real thing, America. 

7. No one looks up from their phones, ever. There have to be more pedestrian related accidents than EVER. 

8. Döner. Pom Döner.  Enough said.

Needless to say, I have not yet adjusted to life back home. I don’t know the socially acceptable behavior like I used to…but TBH (new acronym, meaning: to be honest that I just learned) I don’t really care.

Prost to this strange continuum called re-acclimation. Anybody? 

Nope?  Just me.


At least, I’m back with my love…Image